
18 September, 2021

Davert – The King Of Organic Nuts

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Referring to nut products, especially organic seeds, it is impossible not to mention Davert, a long-standing brand from Germany.

Story of Davert

Davert was founded in 1973 by German founder Rainer Welke. Initially, it was just a small store called “Makrohaus” located in Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany with self-purchased goods. However, recognizing the development potential of organic products, Rainer Welke He took the organic idea further. He continued to open 4 more stores in Germany.

In 1984, Rainer Welke acquired an old factory, restored it according to ecological criteria and created the first Davert factory. Since then the purchasing, cleaning, preservation and packaging have been strictly controlled, and beans and seeds grown organically have been certified by experts.

Up to now, the Davert factory has been transformed in a modern direction, continuing to focus on ecological aspects. Short transportation routes, optimal production efficiency with lower energy consumption are suitable for organic producers according to Münsterland’s sustainability standards. Modern production technology and short transportation routes contribute to the quality of every product.

With more than 50 years of experience in organic food, Daver ensures strict organic farming processes, constantly developing and innovating processing methods. At the same time, information is transparent, carefully controlling each department and ensuring high quality organic products from growing to packaging. It is thanks to the good quality of Davet products that has helped the company expand and develop up to now.

Highlights of Davet’s products
1. The quality of Davert organic products makes the difference

All Davert products come from a strict farming process, meeting Demeter organic standards. This is the most “difficult” organic certification with worldwide reliability. While other organically certified products only need to comply with organic criteria from the time of cultivation to harvest, Demeter products must ensure compliance from the time of cultivation until the time they leave the farm.

img_4630_optimizedDavert factories must also follow biological, environmentally friendly processing methods. Even product packaging is strictly censored to ensure environmental friendliness and health safety.

2. Environmental protection

Davert emphasizes the company’s responsibility to society and protecting the ecosystem. Specifically:

The company strictly manages resources including water, wastewater and energy. They run entirely on green, renewable electricity.
The company identifies waste streams, waste quantities and generates an annual waste balance including separate collection rates. The company also set goals to reduce waste and increase recycling rates.

Organic certifications for Davet’s products

  • Demeter Organic Certification: In 2023, Davert achieved Demeter certification – the oldest organic certification with the strictest standards.
  • European organic certification – EU Organic: All Davet products have achieved European organic certification – EU Organic. This is a certification to check the safety and cleanliness of organic food/cosmetics. Each of these certifications has strict individual requirements from varieties, water sources, buffer zones, materials, biodiversity, organic inputs, etc.
  • WeCare Certification 2021: Davert’s We Care Certification was recognized in February 2021, certifying companies in the food industry for comprehensive sustainability. Ecological and social aspects as well as the entire company scope are taken into account. As an organic pioneer, Davert is now one of the first ten companies to carry the WeCare seal.
  • BioSuisse 2023 certification: organic certification in Switzerland, managed by Bio Suisse, a non-profit organization in Switzerland.
  • IFS certification: Davert meets IFS-international food standards. IFS certification is an activity to evaluate, review and conclude on the effectiveness of businesses in building food safety and quality management systems.

List of Davert products distributed by Bgroup:

  1. Davert organic chickpeas (500gr)
  2. Davet organic rolled oats (1kg)
  3. Davet organic rolled oats (500g)
  4. Davert organic popcorn (500g)
  5. Davet organic unroasted pumpkin seeds (250g)
  6. Davert organic chia seeds (210g)
  7. Davert organic unroasted quinoa (200g)
  8. Davet’s unroasted organic sunflower seeds (250g)
  9. Davert Organic Red Lentils (500g)
  10. Davert organic mixed beans (500gr)